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Navigating Key Development Issues in Central America’s Dry Corridor

Recommended Readings on Key Development Issues in Central America’s Dry Corridor.

Gender Issues

Álvarez-Garavito, Carolina, and Hugo Nicolás Acosta-González. 2021. "Femicide in Latin America: An economic approach." Revista Desarrollo y Sociedad 88 (1).

Ávila, Jennifer, Karol Bobadilla, Otto Argueta, Kimberley Ashburn, Paige Pepitone, and Marie-Celine Schulte. 2022. Gender-Based Violence Impunity Regional Study: Honduras Case Study. Latin America and Caribbean Learning and Rapid Response (LACLEARN).

Baranowski, Kim A., Eileen Wang, Megan R. D'Andrea, and Elizabeth K. Singer. 2020. "Experiences of gender-based violence in women asylum seekers from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala." Torture Journal 29 (3): 46-58.

Beck, Erin, and Amir Mohamed. 2021. "A Body Speaks: State, Media, and Public Responses to Femicide in Guatemala." Laws 10 (3): 73.

Beck, Erin. 2021. "The Uneven Impacts of Violence against Women Reform in Guatemala: Intersecting Inequalities and the Patchwork State." Latin American Research Review 56 (1): 20-35.

Carrigan, Michelle, and Myrna Dawson. 2020. "Problem Representations of Femicide/Feminicide Legislation in Latin America." International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy 9 (2): 1-19.

Cepeda, Isabel, Maricruz Lacalle-Calderon, and Miguel Torralba. 2021. "Microfinance and Violence Against Women in Rural Guatemala." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 36 (3-4): 1391-1413.

ECLAC (United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean). 2020. The pandemic in the shadows: femicides or feminicides in 2020 in Latin America and the Caribbean. ECLAC.

ECLAC (United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean). 2022. Bringing an end to violence against women and girls and femicide or feminicide: A key challenge for building a care society. = Poner fin a la violencia contra las mujeres y niñas y al femicidio o feminicidio: Reto clave para la construcción de una sociedad del cuidado. ECLAC.

Fraser, Hanna Smit and Erika. 2022. Latin America Regional Analysis. Violence Against Women and Children Helpdesk.

Fuentes, Lorena. 2020. "“The Garbage of Society”: Disposable Women and the Socio-Spatial Scripts of Femicide in Guatemala." Antipode 52 (6): 1667-1687.

Gonnella-Platts, Natalie, Jenny Villatoro, and Laura Collins. 2021. No Justice: Gender-based Violence and Migration in Central America. Wilson Center.,_Security,_and_Gender-Based_Violence.pdf.

Gretzinger, Fabiola. 2022. "Sexual Violence in Costa Rica: A Progressive Country with Regressive Gender Policies." Minnesota journal of international law 31 (2).

Huttner, Sophie. 2020. "El Salvador’s Femicide Crisis." The Yale Review of International Studies.

Jokela-Pansini, M. 2020. "Complicating notions of violence: An embodied view of violence against women in Honduras." Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 38 (5): 848–865.

Kloppe-Santamaría, Gema. 2021. Ni Una Menos, Not One Less: Femicides and Gender-Based Violence in Mexico and Northern Central America. Wilson Center Gender-Based Violence Dispatch no. 12.

Navarro-Mantas, Laura, Marta J. Velásquez, Soledad de Lemus, and Jesús L. Megías. 2021. "Prevalence and Sociodemographic Predictors of Intimate Partner Violence Against Women in El Salvador." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 36 (7-8): NP3547-NP3573.

Neumann, Pamela. "“If It’s Not Femicide, It’s Still Murder”: Contestations over Femicide in Nicaragua." Feminist Criminology 17, no. 1 (2022): 139-59.

Neumann, Pamela. 2022. "“If It’s Not Femicide, It’s Still Murder”: Contestations Over Femicide in Nicaragua." Feminist Criminology 17 (1): 139-159.

Ordorica, Camila. 2022. "From Femicide to Feminicidio: Latin American Contributions to Feminist Conceptual History." Contributions to the History of Concepts 17 (1): 45-61.

PAHO (Pan American Health Organization). 2022. Addressing violence against women in health policies and protocols in the Americas: A regional status report. PAHO.

Robayo-Abril, Monica, Ana Maria Tribin, and José Andrés Oliva. 2023. Fiscal Policy as a Tool for Gender Equity in El Salvador. World Bank Policy Research Working Papers; 10547.   

Smith, Cory. 2020. Addressing the Sex and Gender-Based Violence in Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador Fueling the U.S. Border Crisis: Corruption, Impunity, and Violence Against Women and Girls. University of Notre Dame.

The Advocates for Human Rights. 2021. Honduras’ Compliance with the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women: Suggested List of Issues Relating to Violence Against Women. 81st Session of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (Pre-Sessional Working Group) 12 July 2021 – 16 July 2021.

UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime), and UN Women. 2022. Gender-related killings of women and girls (femicide/feminicide): Global estimates of gender-related killings of women and girls in the private sphere in 2021 Improving data to improve responses.

World Bank Group. 2023. Gender-Based Violence Country Profile: Honduras. World Bank.




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