Open access to global development data |
Access to time series datasets including: WDI, Doing Business, sustainable development goals, debt, and many others |
Data catalog | 15,000+ datasets with development relevance, including time series, microdata, and geospatial |
International Comparison Program (ICP) | Global initiative that produces price statistics and publishes purchasing power parities. |
Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS) | Household survey program that provides technical assistance to national statistical offices (NSOs) in the design and implementation of multi-topic household surveys. |
Data collected through sample surveys of households, business establishments, or other facilities. |
World Development Indicators (WDI) | Compilation of international statistics on global development |
Open data toolkit |
Extensive background on open data best practices and implementation, including online training courses for data producers, users, and policymakers. |
Data helpdesk | The help desk is here to answer your questions about data from the World Bank and encourage a dialogue about how we can improve them. |
Other WBG data portals
Corporate financial information |
Data sets containing lending information for IDA/IBRD projects |
Bank Group: World Bank | IFC | MIGA | ICSID |
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